CST2601 Visual Basic I

This course is designed for students in the computer field who will be working with computer programming languages. The course covers both design and programming using the programming language Visual Basic, which is a event-oriented high-visual language. The student will develop many programs using Visual Basic 6.0. (Prerequisites: CST1794) (3 Credits)
(1 Lecture, 2 Lab, 0 On the Job Training.)

This course focuses on hands-on programming with the Visual Basic language and the concepts necessary to design programs. The course focuses on the completion of programming problems as given in the text in a self-paced format.

1. Visual Basic 6, How to Program (Student supplied textbook)
2. Computer system with Win9x or better. (School or Student supplied equipment)

The student is expected to spend at least 108 hours studying the text and completing the exercises, worksheets, and class project. The student is expected to take a self directed approach to learning through available resources. The student is expected to contact the instructor if difficulty is encountered or help is needed.

See this link for additional course expectations.

Student objectives and evaluations are translated to a percentage and the percentages to grades. A score of 70% is passing. The following percentage distribution guarantees the following grade: A:93%+, A-:90%+, B+:87%+, B:83%+, B-:78%+, C+:77%+, C:73%+, C-:70%+, NC:<70%.

The student is expected to spend at least 36 hours per credit in self study and 16 hours per credit with direction from instructors and/or instructional guides and testing. The sequence of instruction is the order of course goals as specified in the instructional guide.

The following list of course goals will be addressed in the course.

Credit 1 Page
Unit 1 - Computing Concepts. 1
1. Define a Computer
2. Describe Computer Organization.
3. Analyze types of programming languages
4. Examine the role of VB and VBScript in developing applications
5. Examine various kinds of multimedia applications
6. Examine the role of ActiveX components
Unit 2 - Integrated Development Environment (IDE). 25
7. Analyze the integrated development environment.
8. create a standard executable.
9. identify the control in the toolbox.
10. examine types of commands available in the menus and tool bar.
11. Customize a form using properties.
12. Customize a form using controls.
13. Customize controls using properties.
14. Demonstrate saving a project.
15. Demonstrate a simple program execute.
15. Examine the differences between design and run modes.
Unit 3 - Introduction to VB Programming. 50
16. Demonstrate the writing of a simple Visual Basic program.
MS 17. Examine and understand fundamental data types.
18. Analyze computer memory concepts.
MS 19. Demonstrate the use of arithmetic operators.
MS 20. Demonstrate coding simple decision-making statements.
Unit 4 - Control Structures: Part I. 88
21. Demonstrate the use of For/Next, Do/Loop While and Do/Loop Until structures
22. Demonstrate the use of multiple selection using, Select Case structure.
23. Demonstrate the use of Exit Do and Exit For statements.
MS 24. Demonstrate the use of the boolean data type.
MS 25. Demonstrate the use of logical operators to combine conditions.
26. Examine how control structures can be combined in a structured program.
MS 27. Identify the data types available in Visual Basic.
Unit 5 - Control Structures Part II. 129
28. Demonstrate the use of For/Next, Do/Loop While and Do/Loop Until structures
29. Demonstrate the use of multiple selection using, Select Case structure.
30. Demonstrate the use of Exit Do and Exit For statements.
MS 31. Demonstrate the use of the boolean data type.
32. Demonstrate the use constant variables.
33. Demonstrate the use of the logical operators.
34. Examine how control structures can be combined in a structured program.
MS 35. Identify the data types available in Visual Basic.


Credit 2 Page
Unit 1 - Sub Procedures and Function Procedures. 177
36. Demonstrate how to construct programs modularly.
37. Demonstrate creating new procedures and functions.
38. Demonstrate the ability to pass information between modules.
39. Demonstrate the use of Exit Sub and Exit Function statements.
40. Examine the visibility of identifiers, how it is limited to specific areas of programs.
41. Analyze simulation using random numbers.
42. Demonstrate the use of recursion.
43. Demonstrate the use of Optional and named arguments.
MS 44. Demonstrate the use of math functions.
45. Create and use code modules.
Unit 2 - Arrays. 247
46. Examine the array data structure
47. Demonstrate the use of arrays to store, sort and search list and tables of values
48. Demonstrate how to declare, initialize and refer to individual elements of an array.
49. Demonstrate how to pass arrays to procedures
50. Demonstrate basic sorting techniques
51. Manipulate multidimensional arrays
52. Create and use control arrays
53. Create and use redimension dynamic arrays
54. Demonstrate the use of ParamArray and Array
Unit 3 - Strings, Date and Times 302
55. Demonstrate the use of string concatenation operators
56. Demonstrate the ability to compare and search strings
57. Manipulate characters in a string using a variety of functions
58. Convert values to and from strings and other data types
59. Demonstrate the use to time and date functions
60. Demonstrate the ability to format strings, date and time
Unit 4 - Graphics. 371
61. Examine coordinate systems
62. Examine coordinate system scales
63. Demonstrate the use of method Line
64. Demonstrate the use of method Circle
65. Demonstrate the use of Line control
66. Demonstrate the use of Shape control
67. Manipulate colors
68. Demonstrate the use of different image formats
69. Incorporate images into programs
70. Demonstrate the use of the printer object


Credit 3 Page
Unit 1 - Basic Graphical User Interface Concepts. 408
71. Demonstrate how to add ActiveX controls to a project
72. Demonstrate the use of TextBox to receive user input and display text
73. Demonstrate the use of MaskedEdit control to receive formatted user input
74. Demonstrate the use of Combo and ListBox controls to allow user to select from a list of options
75. Demonstrate the use of Scrollbar and Slider controls to select from a range of values
76. Create menus and pop-up menus to enhance application GUI
77. Demonstrate the use of MsgBox function to display information to the user.
Unit 2 - Advanced Graphical User Interface Concepts. 458
78. Create multiple documents interface(MDI) programs.
79. Create a single document interface(SDI) program using multiple forms modules.
80. Demonstrate the use of template form modules.
81. Demonstrate the use of RichTextBox control to display formatted text.
81. Demonstrate the use of ImageList control to maintain a set images for use in an application.
82. Demonstrate the use of ImageCombo control to select from a list of items displayed with images.
83. Demonstrate the use of FlatScrollBar control.
84. Demonstrate the use of native code executables.
Unit 3 - Mouse and Keyboard. 508
85. Recognize mouse events.
86. Determine which of the mouse buttons was pressed.
87. Determine whether or not the the shift, ctrl and alt keys were held down when a mouse button was pressed.
88. Demonstrate grad-and-drop an object using the mouse.
89. Demonstrate the ability to change the mouse pointer icon into shapes appropriate for various contexts.
90. Recognize key events such as KeyPress, KeyDown and KeyUp, and to write code to respond to these events.
91. Demonstrate the use of the KeyPreview property to intercept keyboard events.


Version Information:
Oct  xth, 2001 Original course material compliments of Mark Case.
Jan  4th, 2002 Online course material modified. (adb)
Mar 17th, 2002 Added General Studies designations. (adb)